When US troops arrived in South Pacific during World War II, they brought with them CARGO – Spam, Coca Cola, Lucky Strike cigarettes, Jeeps, chewing gum, etc… often airdropped ahead of the troops. Bewildered by the unimaginable riches falling from the sky, many islanders believed they were gifts from the Gods.
After the war, when the CARGO stopped arriving, some islanders believed the Gods would once again deliver the limitless bounty.
They formed ‘Cargo Cults’ and prayed to the heavens for a return to abundance. On some remote islands they continue to look to the skies and patiently wait…
This was the story that inspired us to create CARGO CULT Rum.
Sourcing rum from two remote South Pacific distilleries, our rum is tropical aged in ex-bourbon barrels in the islands and then finished in fresh barrels in Australia.
Our recently released Navy Strength rum is 100% pot still, tropical island aged in ex-bourbon for 3 years and finished in fresh barrels in Australia. Nothing is added to this rum. It is at Navy Strength or 54.5% ABV.
Tasting Notes:
NOSE: Complex aromas of cacao, butterscotch, tobacco, raisons and toffee.
TASTE: Rich, big bodied and complex. Dark chocolate, raisons, butterscotch and caramel open up with perfectly balanced sweetness and robust flavour. Smooth and velvety in taste and finish.
Detta var nog bland det värsta jag smakat. Blir 🤮🤮🤮🤮 av 5 möjliga.
Den 19
Cargo Cult Navy Strength Rum
Aroma: estery, kakao, tabák, rozinky, marcipán v pozadí
Chuť: hladká, komplexní s chutí rozinek, Creme Brulee a čajovými lístky
Závěr: dlouhý, hřejivý s tóny mandlí, čaje a meruněk
Konečně něco odvážnějšího (co se objemového alkoholu týče) s lákavou vůní ale bohužel za mě už né s tak povedeným chuťovým profilem. Jinak ale v celku harmonický rum který si zajisté najde svoje obdivovatele, obzvláště za tu příznivou cenu. Je to ten tip rumu, který nesmíte odsoudit na první dobrou, jelikož čím déle ho pijete, tím je to lepší. Mě ale i tak ta chuť čajových tónů prostě nepřirostla k srdci… Uděluji 6/10
J’ai pas adhere pas bon pour moi
That’s one solid mother…… – heavy but actually quite round.
Worst one so far, by far.
Smell is sticky yet flat.
Taste like turpentine/gasoline?
First one i couldn’t even finish the 2 cl…
Odeur et goût très désagréable
Effectivement, bon pour les ration de combat , ça met le feu
A very strong but full of flavors spice and ginger
Imbuvable…on dirait une infusion de cendrier
Ganz übel…
Very fragrant with a very strong taste. Not a sipping rum.
Imbuvable, le 1er depuis le début