History of mauritian rum and spirit drinks – Rum production in Mauritius dates back to the 19th century. At that time, there were about forty distilleries in operation. Today there are less than ten. Sugar cane was introduced by the Dutch who cultivated it for the production of arak. Since then, the technology of rum production was inherited by the Mauritian people from generation to generation.
Their story – History of their production dates back to 2012, when Blue Mauritius Gold was first created. Blue Mauritius is made from the finest sugar cane distilate rum, distilled on island Mauritius. The molasses is matured for 36 hours before distillation, the 95% white alcohol is then reduced to 60% and blended before it is put in tanks from port barrels giving it natural flavours and eliminating the bitter taste of aged alcohol.
The process takes less than one year and the colour is stabilized. It is important to note that maceration, blending and processing is done in small quantities and all flavours are kept as pure as possible. You may find small deposits over time, this is the result of natural ingredients used during the blending process. No homogenization or any other chemical processes are used, keeping the product as natural as possible.
After about a year of aging, the precious liquid is poured into heavy French glass and closed with a wooden stopper and transparent seal. The leather necklace added after the bottling process serves to absorb the drops of each serving, keeping the bottle clean and prolonging the delicious aroma. To complete the process, swift hands take care of the finished bottles and, bottles are cleand and packed in special thick cartons. Special care is taken in every step.
Tasting notes:
Colour: dark brown
Aroma: tropical fruit, vanilla, roasted nuts, oak wood
Richness: strong and distinctive aroma
Palate: smooth, delicate taste
Sweetness: mild sweet
Finish: long, pleasing
Aroma: sladké pražené ořechy v karamelu, tropické ovoce v doprovodu s vanilkou a kokosem
Chuť: uhlaztená po karamelu, tropickém ovoci a venilce
Závěr: dlouhý, lehce hřejivý s chutí po kokosovém mléce, karamelu a bílých hreznech v pozadí
To že se jedná o sladký rum je člověku jasné hned po otevření lahve. Vůně je v celku zajímavá, v chuti nepřekvapí, ovšem není to vyloženě přeslazené a závěr to decentně podtrhne. Jen škoda že je tam přes to všechno upozaděný ten rum. V kategorii ,,Sladké rumy” dávám 6/10
Very best 😍😍😍😍😍👍👍
The content in my bottle does not match the description here. Yellow, not dark brown. Taste sharp licorice towards Aalborg aquavit. Very strange.
Really good nose, vanilla and roasted nuts.
Taste is smooth and nutty with a clear vanilla.
Best one so far!
God doft, smaken god liten beska och spritig eftersmak. Men en 4 ändå
Really nice
Surprising taste I really loved it very smooth 1 of my favorites sofar
The burn at the beginning is not the most pleasant, but a mouthful of sweet hazelnut aroma is quick to follow, Then it tapers down to a gentle vanilla taste. It’s quite nice !
A really nice rum with lots of notes, character. 4/5 from me.
more rums please, no some spirit shits
Sweet and strong
Perso ça n est pas du rhum , mais ça reste une très bonne mixture , douce , très chocolatée, j ai apprécié
This is a very unique taste. Sweet and nutty. It is a sipping rum. Would go well in an egg nog.
Best one this far.
Smooth finish and great body.
Sweet and spicy taste good for drinks
Très bon sucre, vanille, fruits exotiques épicé
Special, not 4 me.
Notes très complexes
Arômes intéressants
Un régal
Un goût d’anis affreux au départ, je n’aime pas l’anis, ce n’est pas pour moi. Le nez est très léger. Bref pour ma part rien ne vas, beurk
Saldus kaip vanilinis pyragaitis. Tai visiškai ne mano romo filosofija. Tikrai paragauti yra smagu ir tiek. Aromatas švelnus, o gomurys saldus. Atidėsiu kitam kartui.
Luxurious, Delicious & Memorable even with it’s taste… not just it’s name.
Très bon rhum
Skøn rom
One of the best rums ever! Sweet but not too sweet, fruity with almonds and vanilla… Exceptional!!!
Well done balanced. Vanilla. Pleasant
Note de vanille un des meilleurs
Tento rum sa teší našej obľube. Je sladký, vláčny, zlatistý, s tónmi karamelu až do medova.